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Read Terry Locke - Continuum Research Methods: Critical Discourse Analysis TXT, PDF, DJV


Britons may very well never be slaves, but British rule certainly meant slavery for others. Michael Jordan's book explores the personalities and the issues behind the movement to abolish first the slave trade and later the condition of slavery. It is a dramatic and suspenseful story, with opposition from expected and unexpected quarters and internal squabbling and falling-out. Michael Jordan has written widely on history, religion and anthropology. He lives in Exeter., This introductory text explains the use of critical discourse analysis (CDA) as a research methodology. Beginning with an explanation of the key words and theories behind CDA and how these can be used in research, Terry Locke proceeds to provide a lucid demonstration of the application of these series to both interpretation of print text and the analysis of conversations. The book is an essential guide for students encountering critical discourse analysis for the first time., This is a guide for students considering using critical discourse analysis as the main methodology in their research. CDA is an emergent research method and can be rather formidable for students looking for a point of entry. This book makes the initiation a gentle and helpful one, without sacrificing the quility of their research.

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