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Read online Environmental Control of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria Set (2016, Hardcover) by in DOC, DJV


Bacteria in various habitats are subject to continuously changing environmental conditions, such as nutrient deprivation, heat and cold stress, UV radiation, oxidative stress, dessication, acid stress, nitrosative stress, cell envelope stress, heavy metal exposure, osmotic stress, and others. In order to survive, they have to respond to these conditions by adapting their physiology through sometimes drastic changes in gene expression. In addition they may adapt by changing their morphology, forming biofilms, fruiting bodies or spores, filaments, Viable But Not Culturable (VBNC) cells or moving away from stress compounds via chemotaxis. Changes in gene expression constitute the main component of the bacterial response to stress and environmental changes, and involve a myriad of different mechanisms, including (alternative) sigma factors, bi- or tri-component regulatory systems, small non-coding RNA s, chaperones, CHRIS-Cas systems, DNA repair, toxin-antitoxin systems, the stringent response, efflux pumps, alarmones, and modulation of the cell envelope or membranes, to name a few. Many regulatory elements are conserved in different bacteria; however there are endless variations on the theme and novel elements of gene regulation in bacteria inhabiting particular environments are constantly being discovered. Especially in (pathogenic) bacteria colonizing the human body a plethora of bacterial responses to innate stresses such as pH, reactive nitrogen and oxygen species and antibiotic stress are being described. An attempt is made to not only cover model systems but give a broad overview of the stress-responsive regulatory systems in a variety of bacteria, including medically important bacteria, where elucidation of certain aspects of these systems could lead to treatment strategies of the pathogens. Many of the regulatory systems being uncovered are specific, but there is also considerable cross-talk between different circuits. Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria is a comprehensive two-volume work bringing together both review and original research articles on key topics in stress and environmental control of gene expression in bacteria. Volume One contains key overview chapters, as well as content on one/two/three component regulatory systems and stress responses, sigma factors and stress responses, small non-coding RNAs and stress responses, toxin-antitoxin systems and stress responses, stringent response to stress, responses to UV irradiation, SOS and double stranded systems repair systems and stress, adaptation to both oxidative and osmotic stress, and desiccation tolerance and drought stress. Volume Two covers heat shock responses, chaperonins and stress, cold shock responses, adaptation to acid stress, nitrosative stress, and envelope stress, as well as iron homeostasis, metal resistance, quorum sensing, chemotaxis and biofilm formation, and viable but not culturable (VBNC) cells. Covering the full breadth of current stress and environmental control of gene expression studies and expanding it towards future advances in the field, these two volumes are a one-stop reference for (non) medical molecular geneticists interested in gene regulation under stress., The topic of environmental control of gene expression and adaptation in bacteria is a very active field. This book focuses on original research papers in a large variety of different organisms, rather than simply reviewing model systems. The scope covers 24 different topics and provides selected new reviews as well as a series of research chapters for each topic. Altogether it provides a detailed and broad overview of the field and emphasizes differences and commonalities in different organisms. Most of the chapters will use molecular techniques and advanced biochemical analyses. Bacteria in various habitats are subject to continuously changing environmental conditions, such as nutrient limitation, heat and cold stress, UV radiation, oxidative stress and osmolarity fluctuations, dessication conditions, acid stress, nitrosative stresss, cell envelope" stress, heavy metal exposure etc. and respond via changes in gene expression using a variety of different genetic mechanisms. They may also adapt in other ways by forming filaments or biofilms, which often involve intercellular communication, such as quorum sensing. The changes in gene expression are generally specific for a given stress and involve sophisticated mechanisms such as bi component regulatory circuits, alternative sigma factors, toxin-antitoxin systems, small non coding RNA's, alarmones, DNA repair, chaperones, efflux pumps and others. In this book numerous examples of the different environmental control mechanisms in a large variety of different bacteria are presented. The first chapter will be an introduction to the book by the Editor, giving the background to the field, and its aims, describing the flow of sections and chapters and highlighting sections and individual contributions. The second section will contain a number Focus Chapters (reviews) introducing the main topics of the book. The third section will cover the role of one to three component regulatory systems in the response to changing environmental conditions. The fourth section will address the role of alternative sigma factors under stress conditions. The fifth section will cover the recent subfield of small non-coding RNA's in stress responses. The sixth section will review the role of toxin-antitoxin systems in stress responses in different bacteria. The seventh section will cover the canonical stringent response to stress in a variety of bacteria. The eighth and ninth sections will cover UV irradiation responses in different bacteria and the canonical SOS repair system, while the tenth section will address the issue of double stranded break repair. The eleventh and twelfth sections will discuss the response of a variety of bacteria to oxidative and osmotic stress environmental conditions, The thirteenth section will cover dessication tolerance and drought stress in bacteria. The fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth sections will address the bacterial responses to heat and cold stresses, as well as the role of Chaperones. The seventeenth section covers the adaptation of bacteria to acid stress and the eighteenth Section the bacterial response to nitrosative stress. The nineteenth section deals with the adaptive response to cell envelope stress. Section twenty describes the process of iron homeostasis and twenty one the resistance mechanisms to (heavy) metals. Bacterial quorum sensing, biofilm formation and the formation of Viable But Non_Culturable (VBNC) cells are described in Sections twenty one, twenty two, and twenty three respectively. The final section deals with the subject of climatic changes and stress adaptation in bacteria.

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