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Read online A Return to Justice : Rethinking Our Approach to Juveniles in the System by Ashley Nellis in EPUB, PDF, MOBI


Juveniles who commit crimes often find themselves facing charges in adult courts and being committed to adult institutions when convicted. But it wasn t always this way. Before the recent trend to move children into adult courtrooms, juvenile offenders were treated as the children they were and efforts to rehabilitate were more common. Now, after years punishing young offenders like adults, slowly the justice system is making changes that would return us to a time when children were treated as children. Despite this positive direction, the juvenile justice system is still far off course from its founding principles, which focused on treating youth offenders different from adults, as they don t always understand the consequences of their actions or their culpability in a given situation. Further, it was believed that contact with the juvenile justice system should be brief and confidential due to the stigma that would otherwise mar a youth s chances for success upon release. Rehabilitation was the priority, and efforts to redirect wayward youth were implemented when possible and appropriate. However, eventually, the original tenets of the juvenile justice system were slowly dismantled and replaced with a system more like the adult criminal justice system, one which takes no account of age. One in which 12 years olds can be charged and sentenced as adults for various crimes. One in which children have very few opportunities for rehabilitation or any hope for a normal life outside prison walls. But the tide has turned again. In recent years, the record number of incarcerated youth has declined by nearly a third nationally, though disparities based on race still exist. This book assesses the strategies and policies that have produced this shift in direction. These include the declining incidence of youth-committed crime, advances in adolescent brain science, nationwide budgetary concerns, focused advocacy with policymakers and practitioners, and successful public education campaigns that address extreme sanctions for youth such as solitary confinement and life sentences without the possibility of parole. Yet more needs to be done. The U.S. Supreme Court has recently voiced its unfaltering conclusion that children are different from adults in four landmark cases. The question now is how to take advantage of the opportunity for juvenile justice reform of the kind that would reorient the juvenile justice system to its original intent both in policy and practice, and would return to a system that treats children as children. Using case examples throughout, Nellis offers a compelling history and shows how we might continue on the road to reform.", Juveniles who commit crimes often find themselves in court systems that do not account for their young age, but it wasn t always this way. The original aim of a separate juvenile justice system was to treat young offenders as the children they were, considering their unique child status and amenability for reform. Now, after years punishing young offenders as if they were adults, slowly the justice system is making changes that would allow the original vision for juvenile justice to finally materialize. In its original design, the founders focused on treating youth offenders separately from adults and with a different approach. The hallmarks of this approach appreciated the fact that youth cannot fully understand the consequences of their actions and are therefore worthy of reduced culpability. The original design for youth justice prioritized brief and confidential contact with the juvenile justice system, so as to avoid the stigma that would otherwise mar a youth s chances for success upon release. Rehabilitation was seen as the priority, and efforts to redirect wayward youth were to be implemented when possible and appropriate. The original tenets of the juvenile justice system were slowly dismantled and replaced with a system more like the adult criminal justice system, one which takes no account of age. In recent years, the tide has turned again. The number of incarcerated youth has been cut in half nationally. In addition, juvenile justice practices are increasingly guided by scholarship in adolescent development that confirms important differences between youth and adults. And, states and localities are choosing to invest in evidence based approaches to juvenile crime prevention and intervention rather than in facilities to lock up errant youth. This book assesses the strategies and policies that have produced these important shifts in direction. Important contributing factors include the declining incidence of youth-committed crime, advances in adolescent brain science, nationwide budgetary concerns, focused advocacy with policymakers and practitioners, and successful public education campaigns that address extreme sanctions for youth such as solitary confinement and life sentences without the possibility of parole. Yet more needs to be done. The U.S. Supreme Court has recently voiced its unfaltering conclusion that children are different from adults in a series of landmark cases. The question now is how to take advantage of the opportunity for juvenile justice reform of the kind that would reorient the juvenile justice system to its original intent both in policy and practice, and would return to a system that treats children as children. Using case examples throughout, Nellis offers a compelling history and shows how we might continue on the road to reform."

A Return to Justice : Rethinking Our Approach to Juveniles in the System by Ashley Nellis read book EPUB, FB2, MOBI

The NKJV "Early Readers Bible" is available in fun binding styles and colors.This is the life work of author and youth pastor Stan Appling, who for over twenty years has been working at a summer program for children, and also in mission work.The Sweet Potato Queens' Guide to Raising Children for Fun and Profit is a hilarious (though not scientifically tested) wink at the time-honored mysteries of parenting, for anybody who has ever had a kid or has ever known one, knows that the experience is neither fun nor profitable--so, you might as well laugh!Parenting is a lifelong commitment that takes patience, thoughtfulness, and skill.In a dizzying range of moods and styles, these two-handers offer the kind of meaty, challenging roles actors love, while providing readers and audiences with the pleasures of watching the complex give-and-take dynamics of two keenly matched characters.Children will love it.' - H.While many critics have dealt with problematic aspects of subjectivity in western children's literature, few have a full understanding of what subjectivity means in Asian countries, especially where Buddhism plays a role.It will be highly regarded amongst those interested in the sociology and economics of the family, as well asthose with a general interest in gender studies., those with a general interest in gender studies.Help your children be smart with their smarts.They can also be clingy, shy, whiny, picky, and impossible at bedtime, mealtimes, and in public places.